August 3rd 2020

Documents You Need
to Apply for a Home Loan

The Home Loan Process

Applying for a home loan in Perth doesn’t have to be a complicated process as long as you have the right documentation to provide to your Perth mortgage broker.

These documents are vital for an accurate evaluation of your position and assessment of your borrowing capabilities which may determine the success of your application.

We have provided a basic list below so that you can prepare for your initial meeting with your mortgage broker. Everyone is different so please ensure you ask your broker if all of these things apply to you or if extra information may be required depending on your situation.

Documents Required to Apply for a Home Loan

Employment and Income verification

  • PAYG
  • Latest 2 payslips for PAYG applicants
  • Group certificates
  • Government payment statements
  • Employment Contracts


  • Most recent 2 years’ full tax returns
  • Accountant prepared financial statements
  • Employment contracts

Identification- All Parties to the Loan Must be Idenitfied

  • Copy of Drivers Licence
  • Copy of Passport
  • Other documentation such as marriage certificates are sometimes required for recently married female applicants.


  • Last 3 to 6 months’ statements for your home loan, personal loans, credit cards and car loans
  • Details of any other debts you may have including HELP or tax debt.

Credit History

  • Please advise your Perth mortgage broker of any adverse credit problems in the past.
  • Remember full disclosure will assist your mortgage broker to find a solution even with accept adverse credit history.

Savings and Assets

  • Details of funds to complete the purchase (your contribution) ie) equity, savings or a gift – could be:
  • 6 months saving statements
  • Letter from a gifting party
  • Home Loan Statements

Remember if you are prepared the Home Loan process will be a smoother, faster one with hopefully a positive outcome/ decision. Please speak to a  Mortgage Broker at Loan Monster today on (08) 93364489, visit the head office in the heart of Fremantle, or enquire today on our website.

* The information contained in this website should not be taken as constituting personal advice. We recommend that you seek professional assistance before acting upon any information provided or linked on this website.


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Are you looking to refinance? Want to buy your very first home? Need an investment property loan? We can take care of it all for you at Loan Monster. Get in touch with our team and let’s get started today.

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